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What Is An Earwig?

An earwig is a small insect that belongs to the Dermaptera order. Earwigs have a unique appearance thanks to their smooth, long bodies. They also have a pair of horny appendages that are called cerci, which are curved pincers. They’re larger and curvier for male earwigs and smaller for female earwigs. The length of the cerci can reach up to 1/3 of the insect’s body. For some earwigs, you won’t be able to notice the cerci. Furthermore, you can find earwigs with and without wings.

Winged earwigs have a front and back set of wings. Despite having wings, earwigs rarely fly. Most earwigs are dark brown or reddish. Most are a quarter to a half-inch in length. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule. The Saint Helena Giant Earwig is one of the biggest earwig species, and it can reach a maximum of three long. Researchers have identified more than 900 species of Dermaptera, with most earwigs being found in temperate climates.

Earwigs received this nickname because there is a myth that they can climb into human ears, burrow into their brains, and lay eggs. Thankfully, it is only a myth.

Why Are Earwigs In My Home?

Earwigs do not like being outside in hot, dry temperatures. When they’re exposed to these temperatures, they’ll try to move inside. They want to stay in warm, dark, damp areas. If they can enter your home, you’ll find them in your bedroom or kitchen. They’ll stay in your home and reproduce. Since earwigs are nocturnal, they’re going to hide during the day. They prefer staying in dark, humid locations, including kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. When it gets dark, earwigs will emerge from hiding and attempt to feed on arthropods and plants.

If you’re dealing with an ongoing pest infestation, your chances of having earwigs will be much higher.

Are Earwigs Dangerous To Humans?

In Indianapolis, earwigs are a nuisance pest. In some rare cases, they may use their cerci to pinch your skin. Nevertheless, they likely won’t be able to pierce your skin, and they won’t spread venom. Therefore, you won’t need to worry about earwigs making you sick. Still, you don’t want to let earwigs stay in your home. They’re destructive and will ruin your plants, so you’ll need to put together a plan to get rid of them immediately.

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Earwigs?

Do you want to get rid of the earwigs in your home or business? If so, you’ll want to start by targeting the earwigs outside of your home. Get rid of the earwigs outside, and the ones inside will likely leave as well. Solve this problem by taking care of lighting and moisture problems. Reduce the amount of light around your home by properly sealing window and door gaps. You can also try switching from conventional lights to sodium vapor lights since they’re less attractive to earwigs and other insects.

After that, you’ll want to focus on eliminating the insect’s entry points. Seal all cracks and crevices on your home. Sealing these holes will prevent earwigs from sneaking into your home.

How Quickly Can An Exterminator Arrive?

Don’t delay. Contact our pest control office today to schedule an appointment. It will normally take our exterminator 24 to 48 hours to arrive.

Are Your Treatments For Earwigs Safe?

We believe in providing our clients with safe, reliable solutions to the problems they’re facing. In many cases, we can solve your problem using baits and natural earwig removal products. We may also be able to fix the problem using mechanical means. There is a slim chance that conventional products are needed. If this is the case, you can count on our skilled exterminators to protect you and your loved ones. They’ll follow strict guidelines and use EPA-registered products to protect the client.

Can I Prevent Future Earwig Infestations??

Once you’ve taken care of your earwig problem, you’ll want to keep them away for good. Besides changing your lights, you’ll want to properly seal your home. Eliminate cracks, gaps, and crevices so you can keep earwigs and other insects out. Don’t forget to reduce your home’s humidity. Use caulk to seal gaps and cracks near pipes, windows, doors, and utility lines.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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