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Occasional Invaders

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What Are Occasional Invaders?

At some point, you’re going to find insects in your home. You’re not sure why they’ve entered your home, but they have. They aren’t destroying your property, and they don’t pose a health risk. Nevertheless, you want to get rid of the invader as quickly as possible. Occasional invaders are household pests that enter your home randomly. They might be passing through, searching for food, or looking for warmth. It is common for occasional invaders to hide in your sink, bathtub, shower, basement, or crawlspace. Most occasional invaders are not dangerous or destructive.

The following pests can be occasional invaders.

Why Are Occasional Invaders In My Home?

There are many occasional invaders and many reasons for them to enter your home. They might’ve entered your home searching for food or water. Others may be seeking shelter during the cold winter months. Finally, some occasional invaders have mistakenly entered your home while trying to travel to the other side.

Do Occasional Invaders Pose Risks?

While it depends on the pest in question, most occasional invaders are not dangerous or destructive. Some are helpful since they will get rid of other pests. Most occasional invaders are not going to reproduce or eat when they’ve entered your home. Still, having an occasional invader is unsettling, so you’ll want to get rid of it immediately.

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Occasional Invaders?

If you’re worried about occasional invaders, prevent them from entering your home in the first place. You’ll need to start by sealing all cracks, gaps, and holes on your exterior walls. If an occasional invader has entered your home, get rid of it carefully. Don’t get bit or stung. Instead, grab your vacuum cleaner, turn it on, and point the nozzle at the bug. Using this technique is the easiest way to get rid of occasional invaders in your home. However, you might be dealing with more than a few occasional invaders.

You might have an infestation in your home. Contact us. We offer free inspections, tips, and advice for dealing with occasional invaders in your home. If you’ve used the vacuum cleaner method, make sure you dispose of the contents in a plastic bag and seal it. Once you’ve done this, the bugs won’t be able to escape and create more problems.

When Can Your Exterminator Arrive?

Contact our local office so you can schedule an appointment immediately. We’re eager to begin helping you and can send an exterminator to your home in 24 to 48 hours.

Is Your Occasional Invader Treatment Safe?

Our firm works diligently to provide its clients with safe solutions. We want you to have maximum confidence when picking our pest control services. Our occasional invader treatments are safe and effective. We employ the leading exterminators in Indianapolis and require them to follow strict protocols to protect our clients. They only use EPA-registered products to ensure your safety.

How Do I Keep Occasional Invaders Outside Of My Home?

You never know when occasional invaders are going to sneak into your home. Indianapolis homeowners can take the following steps to prevent occasional invaders from entering their homes.

  • Store your food in airtight containers.
  • Make sure that your kitchen shelves, counters, and floors remain clean at all times.
  • Your garbage areas should be cleaned thoroughly.
  • Seal all cracks, gaps, and crevices near your windows and doors.
  • Deal with water leaks to reduce moisture and humidity.
  • Make sure your bathroom, basement, attic, and crawlspace are properly ventilated and dry.
  • Check packages and bags before bringing them inside.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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