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Top Places Bed Bugs Hide

Bed bugs exhibit deceptive behaviors, hiding to avoid human detection. While there is nothing strange about this behavior because it is very common among household pets, it can make full eradication nearly impossible. Their small size allows them to hide inside small cracks and crevices in furniture, mattresses, wallboards, floorboards, bed boards, stuffed animals, and luggage. The first sign of a bed bug infestation is a small red welt on the arm, upper back, face, neck, or hand. This is a sign that you have played host for a hungry bed bug that is about ¼” in length. Where do bed bugs hide indoors? Find a list of the insect’s most common hiding places in the content provided below.

The Bed Bug’s Favorite Hiding Places Indoors

Mattress And Box Spring

Bed bugs are nocturnal, which means they feed at night. Since they are small, they believe it is in their best interest to remain in close proximity to their living host. They figure the best hiding place is in the host’s mattress or box spring. The mattress gives the bed bug the quickest access to blood meals. How do bed bugs find their victims? Their strong sense of smell allows them to easily detect human kairomones and CO2. Humans spend a big portion of their time sleeping on a mattress, making it the best bed bug hiding place of all times.

Wooden Bed Frames

You may ask how is it possible for a bed bug to hide inside a wooden bed frame. Well, they can and do, thanks to their small, flat body. Bed frames constructed from wood generally have some imperfections, such as tiny gaps, crevices, and cracks. To remain in close proximity to its host and still avoid detection, the bed bug will hide inside the bed frames small imperfections until the next blood meal.

Bed Linen

There is no better hiding place for bed bugs than bed linen or bedding, where their hosts just happen to sleep. These tiny insects will burrow inside the fibers of sheets, pillowcases, comforters, blankets, and quilts. This is one of the bed bug’s most common hiding places, which is why it should be one of the first places you look for infestation signs, such as tiny drops of fecal matter and dried blood.

Carpet, Mats, And Throw Rugs

Bed bugs do not like to be too far from their human host. But, sometimes they are forced to compromise. In these situations, they will opt to hide between carpet fibers, throw rugs, mats constructed from fabric. While not the best hiding places, bed bugs are willing to compromise to have easy access to blood meals.

Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, And Benches

Many people have upholstered furniture in their bedrooms that are rarely used, making them great hiding places for bed bugs. The insects will burrow between the upholstery fibers, where they are safe from human detection and in close proximity to their next blood meal.

Upholstery furniture is just one example of a bed bug hiding place. When you are conducting an in-home inspection, it is crucial to assess these areas carefully. If signs of a bed bug infestation are detected, do not stop, continue to other potential hiding places within your home.

Strange Bed Bug Hiding Places

It is not unusual for bed bugs to leave their colony when blood meals become scarce. In these cases, the bed bug will become a hijacker, taking advantage of unexpected, vulnerable humans and animals.

Suitcases And Overnight Bags

Bed bug infestations are very commonly reported in hotels, inns, motels, and bed and breakfasts. These are not targeted because they are unkempt, but mostly because they have a lot of frequent fliers (guests). People are continuously coming and going, bringing and taking bed bugs with each exit and entrance. Unfortunately, unsuspected guests are the most vulnerable because they are unaware of any potential bed bug problem. Bed bugs are highly known for hijacking the luggage of vulnerable travelers.

Home Decor

In severe infestations, bed bugs will do whatever is necessary to find safe hiding places in cramped quarters. Home décor, such as picture frames, figurines, candleholders, and art frames are common bed bug hiding places in moderate to severe infestations.

Books And Magazines

There are several insect species known to hide inside unused books, magazines, and newspapers. Bed bugs are just one example. If you commonly leave reading material lying around in your bedroom, you should know these items are great harbors for bed bugs. They will crawl between the pages and stay there until the next blood meal.

Bedside Tables And Nightstands

Again, bed bugs prefer hiding places in close proximity to their hosts without compromising their presence. Many people do not give much thought to their nightstands and bedside tables. In fact, they will overlook these hiding places during the visual inspection. They will crawl inside these pieces of furniture and burrow deep in attire and other accessories to avoid detection.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices are great hiding places for bed bugs because humans are always connected to them. When electronic devices are plugged into an electrical source, they generate heat, which can be utilized to keep the bed warm during the cold winter months. Devices, such as digital clocks, surround sound stereos, video game consoles, game controls, and laptops are just a few examples. As long as they are in your bedroom, they will be targeted by bed bugs.

Electronic devices installed near beds make great bed bug hiding places. Whether they are frequently used or unused, they are harbors for bed bugs and other insect species. They will hide inside these items between blood meals to avoid detection, stay warm and safe, and have quick, easy access to their unsuspecting host. With this said, there is no place safe from bed bugs. While the bedroom is the most commonly targeted room in a home, bed bugs are known to spread out in severe cases. They may be forced to stay in unfavorable areas because all the common hiding places are already filled.

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